Saturday is set aside for a whole-day activity. So today we all met with Carla at 9:30am at the metro stop in Benimaclet and she brought us to the ‘Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias’ (City of Arts & Science) which is a really impressive, modern part of the city. This futuristic architectural complex was amazing to see and is truly out-of-this-world.
It was designed by the famous Valencia-born architect Santiago Calatrava, who has designed a number of the new bridges in Dublin.
First we visited the ‘Oceanográfico’ where we got to see lots of marine animals from different climates around the world and a live dolphin show which was amazing! Then we walked to the ‘Museo de las Ciencias’ (Science Museum) where we learned some cool things and even got to see a baby chicken hatch from an egg! We had time for a quick cafe con leche before heading home for la cena with our familias españolas!